Monday, August 25, 2008

Joe's Main Street Pizza Shoppe

When I first moved to Winchester, I picked up a takeout menu for Joe's Pizza.  While the place had the look of a great pizza place, I rarely get pizza.  Today though, on my way into town for the parade for Alicia Sacramone, I saw that it was packed with families.  A good sign that the pizza is good.  Then, once in town I saw lots of people wandering around with single slices.  Seeing only an ice cream truck in the vicinity, I knew this pizza must have come from Joe's.  

I must say, that had I not seen people with single slices, I might not have gone to Joe's for a while yet.  But, I stopped in on my way back to my car. Sure enough, they sold pizza by the slice.  This is important because:
  1. It is ready faster
  2. Portion control!
One large piece (potentially 1/5 of an entire pie) was a little under $3.  They popped it in the oven for a few seconds to get it nice and toasty for me and then put it on a paper plate in a paper bag (I note this, because this avoids styrofoam and reduces the amount of waste created by a pizza box).  The service was not only fast, both men working the counter was very nice.

Back to the pizza - I almost thought I wouldn't last the short drive home.  It smelled so delicious!  I was even more excited when it tasted as good as it smelled.  I must admit I may be overly excited about this because I have not eaten pizza in quite some time, but this was the greasy, floppy kind.  The kinda people crave!  As good as the pizza was, I almost wish I hadn't tried it because this could become a weekly (or dare I say more-than-once-a-week) tradition.  

P.S. - Don't worry, I will talk more about the parade once I finally remember to bring my camera cord home from work. 

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